Book Review: One True Love by Lisa Follet


Looking for Love
4 Stars

The second son of a Marquis, Lord William Prescott is under an ancient curse – “every second son of the Marquis of Camberly will never marry and live alone for eternity.” It would have been alright if Lord William just wanted to sow his wild oats. But he wanted to get married and therein lays the problem.

He had been rejected 12 times and the 13th woman who caught his eyes is Miss Cassandra Chambers is betrothed. And to make matters worse, Lord William felt that Cassandra was also attracted to her!

What to do! What to do? Whatever William and Cassandra do, it would be a big scandal. On the other hand, perhaps a scandal is what was needed for them to get married. But, will they take the plunge.

An easy and fast read, “Looking for Love” is a great book to curl up too in these cool fall days that are coming. Due to several sex scenes, the book is PG 15.

Note: Some people have asked me why I give a PG 15 rating. My answer is, the accepted PG 13 is not acceptable since to me a 13-year old is still too young to be subjected to sex scenes. But, the book is still mild enough not be classified as Rated M (for mature audience only)

PG 13 is meant for movies. As movie goers, we all know that a kiss is just a kiss, and though there might be some bedroom scenes, most of the time, you don’t see anything although it is implied that something happened. PG 13 (Parental guidance for children 13 and below) is enough as a rating.

But books are different. The author’s description is more potent because of the reader’s imagination. I had to raise it to PG 15 because I believe that 15-year olds and below need parental guidance to understand what is going on.

one true love